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Genesis Midwifery Statistics


Planned home births: 245 (249 babies)

First baby or first vaginal birth: 61 (25%)

Mothers with a previous caesarean: 16 (6.5%)

Vaginal births: 233 (95%)

Homebirths (as planned): 225 (92%)

Waterbirths: 99 (42% of vaginal births)

Vaginal births after previous caesarean: 15 (6%) (94% success rate)

Vaginal breech births at home: 2

No lacerations or superficial only: 149 (64%)

     1st- or 2nd-degree lacerations: 83 (36%)

     3rd- or 4th-degree lacerations: 1

         Episiotomies: none

 Lacerations sutured: 35 (15%)

Births using forceps or vacuum: 1 vacuum in hospital

Caesarean births: 11 (4.5%)

Screened out of home birth for medical reasons: 4 (1.6%)

Total transports: 22 (9%)

      Transports in labor: 15 (6%)

     Postpartum maternal transports: 3

     Neonatal transports: 4

Twins: 4 sets

Baby boys: 129

Baby girls: 120

Average baby weight: 8#2

Smallest baby: 4#12

Largest baby: 11#4


Babies under 6 lbs: 7

Babies 6-9 lbs: 195

Babies over 9 lbs: 47

Breastfeeding at 6 weeks postpartum: 245 (98%)

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